Offer Details:
business , start here standard features, $29.95 per month price , $0 setup fee , free hosting , 1500 mb disk space , online site editor , unlimited pages , domain hosting *see info below , 30 pop email accounts , webmail , spam filtering , email forwarding , basic site statistics , search engines , web marketing center , expert support , e-commerce , internet store builder , product catalog , product options , advanced product options , integrated shopping cart , secure checkout (ssl) , coupons , gift certificates , downloadable products , ecommerce tracking , ups, u.s.p.s, fedex shipping calculators , tax calculator , credit card processing ** see info below , paypal pro support , order management , customer list manager , catalog import , order export , inventory control , customizable shopping cart , subscription based products , online site editor , browser based editor , styled text editor , custom page layouts , image manager/upload , image resize tools , switchable title styles , switchable footer styles , preview/design mode , site building components , blogging system , mobile site builder, image gallery , image rotator , rss feed browser , groupboxes , page titles , tabbed content box , audio/video media , graphic design , logo builder , flash intro builder , automatic menu builder , multi-level menus , professional quality banners , custom splash pages , web site features , link to other sites , online form builder , guest book , site banner support , graphic bullet lists , polling booth , color group box , event calendar , java applets , flash animations , message board , 500 emails a month online mailing list manager , site search , available as a separate upgrade. password protected pages ,
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